Yet another issue, yet another module. I have a beatstep pro as my main sequencer. I love it, it’s great, but some things about it are just a pain in the ass. Unless you’re recording in realtime setting note lengths is a drag. Want some long sustained notes, you’re inContinue Reading

As with most nodules I design, I just needed something. This time I was in need of a sample and hold module to silence the inner R2D2 in me. I had the circuit already implemented in various other, more complex modules, so it wasn’t a big adventure in getting theContinue Reading

We don’t often like to admit it, but we all like the blinking lights in our studio. I don’t use many leds in my modules, only when I feel it would add something to the usability, but this one is all about the fancy lights (also this is posted closeContinue Reading

This one started out as a stupid idea when coming across a cheap bluetooth module on ali-express. Why not build it in an Eurorack module? Could be fun, maybe even useful for that odd field recording or weird voice message.Continue Reading

Attenuators are handy in modular circuits. Not all modules have input attenuation so they come in handy. Attenuverters are even handier (is that even a word?). It combines attenuation and inversion of the incoming signal.Continue Reading

I’m slowly working towards a project, it’s still not ready to be disclosed though, but it needed a dual rail power supply. I’ve always bought Doepfer DIY kits for my Eurorack needs, but I needed a +14V/-14V for this project. Since I could use an extra +12V/-12V supply as wellContinue Reading